Monday, 15 February 2016

Modern female business leaders

Let’s remind ourselves that the highest proportion of women with senior positions and roles are in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations. This comprises 30% of senior management positions, which is higher than the global average at 24%. I-WIL-B Seminar is dedicated to advocating for women empowerment and the need to embrace gender diversity in the workplace particularly in leadership roles. It is our mission to promote for women pioneers and inspire high quality leadership in the women that we engage with through capacity building workshops or leadership development programs. In commemoration of the 2016 International Women’s day’s theme ‘Pledge for gender parity”, I-WIL-B Seminar will be hosting a breakfast meeting in Rustenburg on the 11th March 2016. The location has since been chosen as a central point to suit the peer network group; with members predominantly in Gauteng and the Bojanala Rustenburg region of the North West Province.
The breakfast meeting is intended to create a platform for strategic thinking and the organizational structure including the adoption of the draft Constitution of I-WIL-B. As a peer network group the idea is to keep it both business as well as leisure which is why we have decided to have a golf clinic for beginners and a 9 hole challenge for the golfers.  We hope to see a lot of vibrant and dynamic women who want to be part of this journey, telling a new story about the progressive women.
There is a lot to be done including identifying the right sponsors and partners who share our vision of a gender-balanced work place. What is really exciting to see is a host of 21st century businesses that make work place more accommodating to women and this tells us that they do recognize their talent potential. This is absolutely encouraging and tells us that sooner than we think we will see the change in mindsets in our society. However it starts with us as women, release your inhibitions and start living your purpose today. Join us on the 11th March in Rustenburg South Africa and make your ‘pledge for parity’ | Email for an Invitation

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